Today at the mall, a lady in line asked my mom what school I go to. My mom explained that I go to school in Utah... because I am in college. I met her shocked look and said, "I know I don't look it, but it's the truth." She looked at me and said in her southern accent, "Well I thought for sure you were goin' into the eighth grade or somethin." Thanks, Lady. Thanks.
But little does she know, not only am I no longer in middle school but in twenty-eight days I will be starting my third fall semester at BYU. I am officially an upperclassman.
I'm registered for seventeen credits: one spanish class, five business classes, and an on-campus internship. On top of all that, I am going to be a peer mentor (slash TA) for a freshman student development class.
And crazy as it sounds... I can't wait to start!
I miss school. I miss studying. I miss the library. I miss doing something important. I miss challenging myself.
So, even though in twenty-eight days I will become an anti-social, all I have to say is: bring it on.
And to all my friends: We have just a few weeks left. Once this semester starts, I will see you in December... after finals.

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